Welcome all Discerners

Since October is assigned the Vocation Month, i will feature different congregations, and some notes to aid the discerner.

As a general principle: ALL CONGREGATIONS ARE GOOD. GOD would not allow any community to last if it does not fit into His plan. What is important is to discern whether the congregation's lifestyle, charism and mission all FIT into the discerner's desire and dreams.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Lunes for Lunacy: a formator heard it all wrong

(Contrary to the corporate world where Monday is Manic since it is the start of the workweek, Monday for the religious is a light day. The previous day, Sunday, is always given to such things as recollection, family visits, encounters, search-ins and other community concerns. The Monday edition then are anecdotes and humors that happen in formation houses. Hopefully, it lightens your day, or not! :)

Leaving The Convent

A young and beautiful novice went to see her novice mistress.

"Sister, even without a real discernment, I have decided to leave the novitiate."

"But why, my child?"

"To become a prostitute."

"What? What are you saying?"

"I said I want to become a prostitute, sister."

"Oh, you had me worried. I thought you said protestant!"

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